Community Research, Planning, & Development

Community Research, Planning, & Development

Community Research, Planning, & Development are vital to the effective functioning of any First Nations Government.

Strengthening BC First Nations

Carden Consulting services are based upon best practices, are intended to build capacity to support First Nations control of development, and cultural revitalization, and includes but is not limited to:

Community Economic Development Planning

Comprehensive Community Planning

First Nations Government Research

First Nations Government/Tribal Council research

Human Resource Strategies, organizational development, strategic planning

Community Economic Development Plan

Community Economic Development Planning

Research Papers

Research Papers

e.g. First Nation youth suicide risk mitigation, First Nations dental trauma

Other Sectoral Planning

Other Sectoral Planning Intended To Support Long-Term Community Well-Being And Development

Carden Consulting Research Approach and Research Sovereignty

Carden Consulting developmental consultants and research practitioners utilize an indigenous, culturally ethical, research framework that is strengths based, utilizes a First Nations methodology, and action research* approach that includes:

  • Designing research recognizing our responsibility to build capacity at every step (e.g. with leadership, a committee, or project manager/student within the Nation) to make informed decisions to initially identify and use indigenous defined methodologies and epistemologies (commonly worldviews that affirm interconnection and relational responsibility/accountability), and axiology (values). This responsibility aligns with our support for UNDRIP Article 18, which recognizes that Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision-making institutions. Our practice of training and facilitation utilizes culturally appropriate and trauma-informed methods that align with the Nations governing knowledge systems and practices and to the greatest degree possible in-situ.
  • Our approach to supporting research design is also performance oriented with a focus on the Nations defined goals (e.g. self-determination) utilizing the Nations ontology (understandings of their reality), and how to advance progress of those goals, including supporting the committee to design the research questions. Performance-orientation is framed within project management and comprehensive strategic planning best practices.
  • Community-engaged wherever possible that includes revitalizing traditional knowledge collective knowledge, and wisdom in planning, decision-making and issue resolution for the benefit of future generations. This capacity building approach includes supporting community-defined culturally appropriate and ethical methods that includes mixed methods that enable research triangulation that can contribute to the ownership, trustworthiness, confidence and utilization of legitimate research findings.
  • Analysis of findings is also undertaken with a steering committee that can identify themes or categories utilizing a grounded theory approach that ensures the findings relevancy and effectiveness.
  • Our action research approach also requires the research technician to deliberately support designing the research to anticipate and set up the project for subsequent phases of development by the community by future generations for future generations.

Carden Consulting frequently undertakes Indigenous Research and Training contracts, and can undertake academic research utilizing standard guidelines (e.g. APA, Tri-Council Advisory Panel on Research Ethics) upon request.

* Action research places indigenous peoples (rather than external researchers) in charge of research who hold primary research authority (eliminating power inequalities) who seek to understand and address development needs within their community. Action Research is derived from the social sciences, and is a cyclical process that includes: planning; acting; observing; and critical reflection and evaluation.

Help shape your success story with our innovative strategies

Help shape your success story with our innovative strategies

Want to drive innovation and growth in your community? Contact us today and we’ll help create your roadmap to success!

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