First Nations Training Programs

First Nations Training Programs

As a critical part of our commitment to building capacity of our peoples whenever possible we have developed a series of training workshops from over 25 years of experience working for First Nations. This training is most often developed at the request of committees made up of Indigenous leaders and members and from an Indigenous worldview.

In the past several years our team has become increasingly sought-after trainers in the following areas, which have been outlined to reflect 2–4-hour training workshops that ladder learning to support strengthening Nation Rebuilding and good governance for the benefit of current and future generations in the following areas:

Foundational Leadership Training

  • Defining Leadership (ancestral and contemporary) and values-based leadership
  • Leading Self, including (each workshop below is approximately 1 hour):

    1. Peacemaking, peacebuilding, and conflict management
    2. Emotional intelligence
    3. EI and professional communication
    4. Time management/self-care
    5. Collaboration
    6. Information management
    7. Professional development planning (e.g., financial literacy)
    8. Self-awareness in Leadership, tools (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment exercise in break out rooms)
  • Team Development (working as a team, goal setting, problem solving, decision-making)
  • Empowering Others & Emotional Intelligence

  • Peace Making, Peacebuilding, and Safety in the workplace (including trauma informed approaches)
  • Systems Thinking & Org. Dev. Strategic Planning
  • What is UNDRIP and DRIPA?
  • Leading during times of change or crisis (including how to structure for pandemic planning and response)
  • Right Relations (train the trainer for First Nations partners in the public and private sector)

First Nations Government Capacity Building Training

  • Council and Admin Common Structures, system, roles and responsibilities, and limits (including good governance, governance policies, law and policy making, portfolios & committees, organizational development and advocacy, CCP/Strategic Planning
  • Monitoring and managing the Administrator, and operations strategically using performance measures, managing agreements/community development projects
  • Learning Organizations, empowering your team, strengths-based team management, and capacity building (including wage grids)
  • Nation Rebuilding, participatory governments, and revitalizing ancestral governing systems, laws, and practices
  • Capable Governing Institutions, Rights, Inter-Governmental Relationship Planning, and development
  • Financial Management 101 for First Nations Leaders
  • Community Engagement
  • Project Management & First Nations Government Certifications
  • CCP Implementation, measures of success, and systems for monitoring and evaluating performance and progress
  • Self-Government (including case studies)

Advanced Leadership Training

  • Revitalizing Ancestral Knowledge & Laws (indigenous community driven research)
  • Sovereignty, Rights, Responsibilities, and Practical Sovereignty
  • Local Government Agreements
  • Community Economic Development & Good Corporate Governance
  • Institutions that support Nation Rebuilding in Canada, and advancing International Indigenous Rights

Are you ready to empower your community?

Are you ready to empower your community?

Our trainers are here to help, and are committed to building the capacity of our peoples whenever possible – contact us to learn more about our training workshops.

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